
Telegram new updates
Telegram new updates

telegram new updates

The conversations with Ukraine didn’t involve “outlining consequences” but were “simply a reaffirmation," Kirby told CNN. "But, we've also been clear, well, that we don't want to see this war escalate beyond this, the devastation and the violence that is already visited on the Ukrainian people.” They have a right to defend themselves," he continued. Lastly, there are other minor design improvements such as resizable text on Android, new animation for swipe left to reply, new Interactive Emoji and Reactions as well.“And we have gotten assurances from the Ukrainians that they will respect those wishes … we have been very clear that we want Ukraine to be able to defend its own soil, its own territory. There’s also a redesigned night mode for iOS, making colours more balanced with better blurring effects as you scroll in chats and the chat list. Apart from that, Telegram artists have completed 12 new emoji packs. This feature was first introduced for audio messages. Read More: How to use Infinite Reactions and Emoji Statuses feature on Telegram?įor premium subscribers, this update adds the functionality to transcribe video messages, allowing Premium users to get an instant text transcript. These usernames work just like they appear in Global Search results and have their own links that can be used outside of Telegram.Ĭollectible usernames can be less than 5 characters long which makes it possible to get unique names like Once the username is acquired, a user has full control over these, being able to trade it or retain it for later use. Next, a feature called Collectible usernames has now been introduced. This feature is intended specifically for large groups and Telegram plans to introduce a different set of tools, tailored to small groups. Members are free to chat in any topic while using all their favorite features like polls, pinned messages and bots. To keep chats easy to read, a group with over 200 members can now enable topics in Telegram app and create separate spaces for any subject. They function as individual chats within the group. Group topics allows users to make various topics inside a large group. Telegram keeps updating its app with numerous features and this month, the app is bringing in another set of those including Group topics, collectible usernames and much more.

Telegram new updates